Tell Us About Yourself!

We apologize! Our form wasn’t working correctly, but we have fixed the issue!
We want to recognize and celebrate all of the incredible people that are working to support child care and early years — you included! Please take a moment to tell us a bit about yourself so that we can feature you on our Child Care and Early Years’ Portal.

Click HERE to complete the form and receive a SUPERSTAR shoutout on the Portal!

Call Out: Virtual Tours!! 

We are excited to be collaborating with some of our local service providers to offer Virtual Tours of your early learning spaces. This will be an opportunity for programs to share their strengths and the incredible work that they do for the children and families in our District. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in giving a tour of their environments, services, or share how you practice Early Childhood Education in your settings. 

These tours will be less than an hour with some time at the end for questions and conversation. The format of the tour is up to you. For example, we can go live, pre-record videos, create a PowerPoint, present pedagogical documentation, or any other format you can imagine!  

Our hope is to share and celebrate a new location each month. Currently, we are looking to fill spots during the months of May and June… let us know if you are interested by e-mailing us at!   


Don’t forget to register!

Visit the Calendar for more details!

Reggio Emilia’s Indications is Translated into French

The Ministry of Education has worked in collaboration with Reggio Children to translate the booklet, Indications, into French.  “The Indications aim to give substance and voice to the rights of children, parents, and teachers for a high quality, participatory education capable of promoting increasing awareness that the role of the infant-toddler centres and preschools is to produce a culture of education and not just to offer educational services”, and to ensure that these are “places where the rights to well-being and learning of both children and adults are put into practice”.

Click on the links below to view the letter from the Ontario Reggio Association to learn about how you can access this resource.

