Child Care and Early Years Act Review

The Ministry of Education  is seeking feedback on proposed regulatory amendments under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA). 

Please see the following documents:

We encourage you to provide the ministry with your comments no later than November 20, 2020. You can send your response by e-mail to: 

Returning to Child Care: Preparing ourselves and our children

Children’s Centre Thunder Bay has created a video called Returning to Child Care; Preparing ourselves and our children. This video has been uploaded to the CCTB website and can be accessed using the link below:

The video is a 30 minute presentation for families when introducing a child to the early learning environment in the age of COVID-19. It focuses on building new life-skills with children and encouraging open and respectful communication between caregivers and staff in the context of a constantly changing situation.

Please feel free to share this link with families. 

Engaging with Families

A Child Care program who was able to provide Emergency Child Care services in Kingston writes, “We were apprehensive about parents not being permitted to come into into the centre, however, the staff found effective ways to use electronic communication with families (notes/photos etc.) so not seeing their child’s teacher face to face was not an issue at all; in fact we have received so much positive feedback from families that they feel very involved and informed about what is happening at the centre even though they have not set foot indoors” (Ontario, 2020, p.3)!

What are some ways that you can invite feedback from and engage with families while maintaining physical distancing?

Valuing Educators as Child Care Re-Opens

The Building on How Does Learning Happen? document states that “Involving educators in planning for reopening right from the beginning, values their expertise and ideas and is critical for a successful reopening.” It further goes on to say that “Educators who experience being valued contributors will be better able to support children and their families during the re-opening transition” (Ontario, 2020, p. 3).

We want to know how you feel educators can be involved at your centre! Share your ideas below!