Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Black history in Canada has not always been celebrated or highlighted. Though this month is an important time to reflect on, learn about, and address anti-black racism, it is also an important time to recognize and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate, and prosperous nation it is today.

Black History Month offers an important opportunity to celebrate and amplify Black voices while continuing to address racism and embrace anti-racism in our lives. There are many ways we can celebrate Black Canadians everyday – including supporting Black-owned businesses, immersing yourself in storytelling and culture while supporting Black storytellers, and learning more about the rich history and contributions of Black Canadians.

If you’re not quite sure where to start, here are some suggestions:

For more information about Black History Month in Canada, visit:

Celebrating Our Early Years Superstars!

We want to recognize and celebrate all of the incredible people that are working to support child care and early years — you included! Please take a moment to tell us a bit about yourself so that we can feature you on our Child Care and Early Years’ Portal.

Click HERE to complete the form and receive a  SUPERSTAR shoutout on the Portal!

Call Out: Virtual Tours!! 

We are excited to be collaborating with some of our local service providers to offer Virtual Tours of your early learning spaces. This will be an opportunity for programs to share their strengths and the incredible work that they do for the children and families in our District. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in giving a tour of their environments, services, or share how you practice Early Childhood Education in your settings. 

These tours will be less than an hour with some time at the end for questions and conversation. The format of the tour is up to you. For example, we can go live, pre-record videos, create a PowerPoint, present pedagogical documentation, or any other format you can imagine!  

Our hope is to share and celebrate a new location each month. Currently, we are looking to fill spots during the months of May and June… let us know if you are interested by e-mailing us at!   


Don’t forget to register!

Visit the Calendar for more details!