Reggio Emilia’s Indications is Translated into French

The Ministry of Education has worked in collaboration with Reggio Children to translate the booklet, Indications, into French.  “The Indications aim to give substance and voice to the rights of children, parents, and teachers for a high quality, participatory education capable of promoting increasing awareness that the role of the infant-toddler centres and preschools is to produce a culture of education and not just to offer educational services”, and to ensure that these are “places where the rights to well-being and learning of both children and adults are put into practice”.

Click on the links below to view the letter from the Ontario Reggio Association to learn about how you can access this resource.



Supporting Sacred Teachings

Child care and EarlyON educators had a lovely time this week at the Supporting Sacred Teachings Make and Take. A special thank you to Lynda Banning, FASD Regional Program Worker with Anishinabek Nation, who shared her knowledge and culture with us. We appreciate your guidance and support as we work to provide inclusive and respectful environments for young children.

Some of the highlights from the workshop were when Lynda shared with us teachings about the medicine wheel, allowed us to explore the four medicines, and provided materials to create tobacco ties. Additionally, Lynda talked about the Seven Grandfather Teachings and how we can teach children honesty, humility, love, respect, truth, bravery, and wisdom. To compliment the Seven Grandfather Teachings, the educators created stones to represent these sacred teachings that can be used throughout their programs. For example, educators might use these stones for storytelling, teaching, or displaying. There are endless possibilities for these beautiful and special manipulatives. See the photos below for some of the amazing creations from the workshop.

Thanks again Lynda. The resources, support, and teachings you’ve provided are infinitely valuable in providing programming that fosters the Four Foundations (belonging, engagement, well-being, and expression).

Here are some book suggestions provided by Lynda: