A Night to Remember!

Trivia Night was a HOOT, led by your very own…  






Thank you so much to all who came out to have some fun with us. Participants went head-to-head for 3 main Kahoots – Child Care and Early Years Trivia, Local Landmarks, and Community Partner Logos. It quickly became clear that Jocelyne is the Kahoot Trivia extraordinaire!!  …but everyone was a winner because of the fun and laughs we had together! And nobody will forget all of our pasta-tively amazing jokes… 

Where did the spaghetti go to dance?  

The meatball! 

 The winners took home the following prizes:   

Let us know what types of prizes you would like to win at our next FUN EVENT in the comments below.  

Don’t be upsetti-spaghetti if you missed out on this incredible experience, there will be more fun to come… including, BINGO NIGHT! Join us on Thursday, April 21 for BINGO! We will have more awesome prizes, and maybe even some NEW JOKES! 

Please let us know in the comments below what other type of events you would like to see. Our participants shared some awesome pasta-bilities with us last night – draw-a-saurus, scattergories, karaoke, and more! Help us decide what to plan next.  

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